Free Master's classes for April - June with Dr. Ariel Policano
April 23rd - Biological Dentistry. How to investigate the health of your teeth with the Quantum Infinity and heal them with natural remedies. Discover the connection of each tooth to organs, glands and meridians in the body. Receive a free tooth testing panel just for attending the webinar! (Webinar series begins Monday, May 5th).
May 21st - Cancer care and prevention. Learn more about how and why cancer is created and how to prevent it from ever happening. We will talk about balancing strategies and discuss important natural remedies for cancer care (like Protocel and Essiac Tea). Receive a free mini-cancer care and prevention testing panel just for attending the webinar!
(Webinar series begins Monday, June 2nd).
June 25th - Heavy Metal Detoxification. Are you concerned that you may have been exposed to heavy metals? That you might have contamination of mercury from dental fillings, aluminum from cookware, arsenic from groundwater or other metals? Learn strategies for investigating and balancing heavy metal exposure with your quantum infinity. Discover how to clear heavy metals with natural remedies. Receive a free heavy metal panel just for attending the we
Please tell me the time of these seminars. Thank you.
Please tell me the time of these seminars. Thank you.
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