Our thoughts regarding this proposal was for a few reasons, namely;
1: It is and always will be our aim to ensure that price never becomes an obstacle when offering a wellness tool to help balance and maintain one's current state of health.
2: A lower price point would be appealing to a larger audiience
3: Many of our current users have their own hardware accessories they integrate into the Quantum iNfinity App and may prefer using their hardware.
4: Currently, any purchasers in CA should be charged Sales Tax, however currently we absorb this cost. If a software is downloaded directly from the internet there is no Sales Tax... PERIOD! However if you include any hardware, Sales tax is applicable.
5: Many users use their own headphones which again offers our users an extra savings
6: Hardware accessories can always be added at a later stage.
Please let us know what you think.
Below are a list of our current hardware accessories:
The Quantum Geo harness acts as a superb delivery system for the energetic signatures generated by the Quantum iLife.Plugs into your iPhone, iPad, iPod or Android Audio Jack and attached to the clients wrists or placed on either side of the head.
When balancing is activated using the Quantum iLife Software, the sound frequencies are transformed by means of the Geo Harness into electro-magnetic frequencies which is then projected into the body through the Flower Of Life Sacred Geometrical pattern designed on the Quantum Geo.

Ever Wondered How The Brain Adjusts To Quantum Medicine?
This problem was addressed with the development of the Quantum iLife EEG hardware. The benefit of monitoring the brain waves real time was two fold:
1. You can stimulate certain brain states (ex. theta) to enhance the healing capacity of the individual
2. To monitor real time, the brain activity, during sessions. Watching the various brain states slowly relax and attune to the entrainment is very powerful to both practitioner and client.

Can we 'have it all'? Have one price without hardware and then some other packages that include various hardware....
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