Saturday, June 20, 2015

Emotional Energetic Healing: The Future of Medicine is Here

Energy medicine is at once time-honored and new. Whether using traditional forms like acupuncture, t’ai chi and reiki or modern applications such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), magnetic, vibrational or music therapy, working with the human energetic system to create wellness is an esteemed practice that produces tangible results. Read More Click Here 

Friday, June 05, 2015

Joe Rogan & NASA Physicist: We’re Living in the Matrix

Joe Rogan & NASA Physicist: We’re Living in the Matrix

If you found out that we are all living in the matrix, would you take the blue pill and live a pleasant illusion or take the red pill and live in the harsh real world?
In this video Joe Rogan and Nasa Physicist Tom Campbell discuss a wide range of topics that centre around the simulation theory and the theory that our universe might just be a hologram. If we as humanity are going to evolve we need to gain a deeper understanding of the universe and also our inner-selves. Tom hits the nail on the head when he says that ‘Love’ is the optimal way for people to interact, this is only way humanity can experience real spiritual growth.